Selahattin Demirtaş’a Mektup!   


Sevgili Selahattin Demirtaş kardeşim! Ben Kadir Amaç. Gönül dünyamdan bir demet gül koparıp sevgili kardeşime armağan ediyorum. Ayrıca zindan arkadaşlarınıza Brüksel’den selamlar, sevgiler ve saygılar gönderiyorum.

Aziz kardeşim! Pakistan’ın fikir babası kabul edilen ünlü Filozof -şair Muhammed İkbal ile Pakistan’ın kuruyucusu Muhammed Ali Cinnah arasında gerçekleşen siyasi ve felsefik mektuplaşmaları okurken, benim entelektüel fakülteme bir dizi katkılar sunduğunu belirtmek istiyorum. Umarım bizden sonraki Kürt nesiller bu mektubu okuduklarında, hem beni ve hemde zatialinizi çok daha iyi anlayacaklarını düşünüyorum. Mektubuma şöyle başlamak istiyorum:

Aydının partisi, lideri ve çıkarları olmaz. Aydın toplumun vicdanı, kalemi, kitabı ve öğretmenidir. Yada, uyutulmuş ve köleleştirilmiş bir toplumun peygamberidir! Halkın bilgisizliğinden güç alanlar, halkı ”koyun sürüsü” gibi görenlerin tek korktuğu kişi gene kalemi güçlü olan aydındır. Ayrıca hiç bir siyasi ve ekonomik güçe bağımlı değilim. Bağımlı olanların yaşamına bakarak, “böyle daha mükemmel” duygusunu yaşadığımı ayrıca sizinle paylaşmak istiyorum.

Stuart Mill, “Özgürlük Üzerine” adlı kitabında; ”Yanlış olduğu iddiasıyla susturulan bir düşünce aslında doğru olabilir. Yanlış bile olsa, içinde birkaç dirhem hakikat bulunabilir.”

Sevgili Selahattin Demirtaş kardeşim! İki hırsız insan iyi arkadaş olur.  Biri hırsızlık eylemini yapar, ötekisi ona perdeyi tutar. Yada, iki erdemli insan iyi dost olur, biri diğerine filozof, ötekisi ona zahid olur. bir insan da kötülük korkusu, iyilik ve fazilet kaygısı olduğu vakit, akıl ve erdem onun tabiatı olur.

Sevgili kardeşim Demirtaş! İnsan ontolojisi, iyilik ve kötülük mayasıyla vücud bulmuştur. Kötülük yapanlar kötülükleriyle, iyilik yapanlar iyilikleriyle anılır. Dünya görüşü yamuk ve amelleri zayıf olan bir Kürd’ün adalet, demokrasi, hürriyet, bağımsızlık, erdem, merhamet ve paylaşma duyguları zayıf olur, gönül dünyası fenalık olur;  akıllı ve bilge insanlar onun  yaşam sınırlarına girmez ve uzak durur.

Evet, güzel kardeşim!  Görgüsüz, kaba ve güçlü olan biri istese de kendini gizleyemez. Çünkü ontolojik olarak, ilkel ve vahşidir. Bundan dolayı herkes bu tür bir insandan çekinir. Ancak, yumuşaklık ve mulayimlik hiç bir zaman kuşku ve korku uyandırmaz.

Çünkü yumuşak görgüsüz, kaba ve güçlü olan biri kendisini istese de gizleyemez. Nedeni ise ontolojik olarak, ilkel ve vahşi olmasıdır. İkinicisi; insanlar, yumuşak, boyun eğen, yalaka ve mulayim olan bu insanın ne kadar tehlikeli olduğunu bilmez. Sadece, filozoflar ve arifler bilir.

Görüldüğü gibi; kitap, marifet ve dava ehli olmayan insanlar hep bu noktaya olta gibi takılıp kalır. Gözü doymuş, ruhu arınmış ve gönlü genişlemiş bir mevsim olamıyorlar. Hep   başkalarını suçlar, kendilerini suçlamazlar. hep başkalarına lanet okurlar, kendilerine lanet etmezler.

Öyleki bu tür kimselerin gözlerinde, yalan ve ihtiras vardır! Gözlerinde sevgi ve merhamet yaşları inmez. kibir ve kıskançlık ikliminde yaşarlar! İlim, irfan ve şeref rahlesiyle ilgilenmezler, sömürmeye, paraya, makama ve erotik fantazilere tapacak kadar ruhsuz olurlar. Öyle ki, bazen kibirlerinden, bazen egolarından geri adım atmazlar ve mutevazi olmayı kibirlerine dinletemezler. çünkü şöyle düşünüyorlar: “Ben nasıl olur da geri çekilirim?” diyorlar.

Evet, muhterem Demirtaş kardeşim! Eskilerin tabiriyle hiçbir şey ”hüda-i nabi” değildir. Elbette ki ölüm gelip hepimizi kuşatacaktır, ölümden geriye kalan, iyilik ve kötülük olacak.  Öncelikle şunu belirtmek istiyorum: kalemle yazılmayacak, dille söylenilmeyecek, bir dizi dava insanı değerli ‘’Kürt Siyasi Hareketi’’ ve  HDP hareketi içinde, yaşamlarıyla, düşünceleriyle, vefalarıyla, arkadaşlıklarıyla, hoşgörüleriyle, dostluklarıyla, musafaha ve muhabetleriyle beni tesirleri altına aldıklarını itiraf etmek istiyorum. Beni etkileyen bu güzel insanlardan biri de hiç şüphesiz Zatialinizdir!

Bazı liderlerin, zekalarını ve enerjilerini yönetme işlerin çoğunu kontrol etmeye ayırdığını, detaylara düşkün ve her şeyle uğraşma meziyetine sahip olduklarını otobiyografilerinden biliyoruz. Lakin bazıları da tam tersine her şeyle uğraşmaz, bir dizi önemli meselelerde idare etme insiyatifini kullanır ve genellikle idare işlerinin çoğunu güvendiği ve emri altındaki görevlilere bırakır.

Benim gibi düşünen yazarlar,  eleştirmenler ve yönetim uzmanları her iki lider profilini yanlış bulurlar ve bunun yerine vasat ve mutedil bir yol izleyen liderin çok daha başarılı olacağını tavsiye ederler. Bu mahfilde, Hobbes, Rousseau, Machiavelli ve Carl Schmitt’in eserleri  siyasi hareketleri yönetme hususunda, liderleri kurnazlığa ve manipülasyona teşfik ettiklerini hatırlatmak isterim.

Kadrişinas kardeşim Demirtaş! Ütopyacı düşünceler hayatı bulanık görür. Tıpkı Goethe’nin ”Fauts”u gibi, ”Ah şu an, o kadar güzelsin ki, ebediyen öyle kal!”  Yada şöyle de diyebiliriz: Realistler ve Post Modern Düşünürler ” bu şey berraktır” ya da ”kesin  böyledir” demiyorlar; belirsizlikle temas kurarlar, ondan bulduklarını, gördüklerini ve his ettiklerini bilim dünyasıyla paylaşırlar.

Dolayısıyla doğruluk sabit bir şey değildir; sevgili kardeşim Selahattin Demirtaş. Bugün doğrudur, yarın doğruluğu yanlışlama ihtimali yüksektir! Ama hakikat öyle değildir; çünkü hakikat ontolojik ve primordiyal yasalardır…

Kaldığımız yerden devam edecek olursak; her grubun, her çevrenin, her siyasi organizasyonun bir gazetecisi ve bir yazarının olduğunu, ancak hakikatin ve bilginin peygamberliğini yapmanın çok zorlaştığını benden çok daha iyi biliyorsunuz. İzninizle Goethe’nin şu güzel sözüyle siyaset felsefesini yapmaya devam edelim:  “Korkak, Tehlike Olmadığı Zaman Yumruğunu Havaya Sallar.’’ 

İyi bir düşünür ya da iyi bir sosyolog gerçekleşen bir  vakia karşısında duygularıyla hareket etmez, tepki göstermez ve olayla ilgili görüş beyan etmez, yani siyasi ve sosyolojik hadiseyi anlamaya, tanımlamaya ve kavramsallaştırmaya çalışır.

Toplum bilimcinin ikinci görevi ise Türkiye gibi, demokratik ve hukuk devleti olmayan ülkelerde siyasetin, ekonomi ve menfaat gruplarıyla olan ilişkilerini irdelemek ve bu ülkede devletin özünü oluşturan, bürokrasi ve yasaların nasıl işlediğini anlamaya çalışmaktır.

Bir çok seçmen blokları vardır. Genel olarak seçmenlerin büyük çoğunluğu, partilerin seçim kampanyasında vaad edilenlere ve liderlerin karizmatik yönüne bakarak oy işlemini gerçekleştirir. Postmodern olan ülkelerde siyasi partileri iktidara taşıyan, parti kimliği ve parti programı değildir. Aksine, siyasi partileri iktidara taşıyan karizmatik liderlerdir. Bu anlamda karizmatik bir lider olduğunuzu rahatlıkla söyleyebilirim.

İkinci seçmen blokları ise, hiç bir parti kimliği olmayan insanlar ilk oy verdikleri partiye karşı eğilimlerini koparabilir, bir başka partiye rahatlıkla yönelebilir ve bu tür seçmenlerin oyları her seçimde değişebilir. İnsanların belli bir siyasi parti veya bir dizi siyasi partiye oy verme eğilimlerinin sebepleri çok olmakla birlikte, aynı zamanda karmaşık bir durum da arz eder.

Özellikle, seçmen kategorilerin en çok dikkat çekeni ve en çok problemli olanı, liberal ve muhafazakar seçmendir. Diğer önemli bir nokta ise, seçmenlerin siyasi partilere oy verme davranışlarını en fazla etkileyen amillerin başında ırk, bölge, din, ekonomi ve cinsiyetçilik gibi konulardır. Yukarıda anahatlarıyla belirtiğimiz seçmen panoramasından hareket edecek olursak, iki tür seçmenin varlığından söz edebiliriz.

1- Uzun vadeli oy kullanan seçmen: Oy verdiği partiye, hem fikirde ve hemde gönülde sadakàt sahibidir.

2- Kısa vadeli düşünen seçmen: Bugün oy verdiği partiye beş yıl sonra farklı bir partiye oy verme eğilimindedir.

Tam bu noktada bir Kürt olarak, HDP’ye dört kez oy verdiğimi, dokuz köşe yazısıyla destek sunduğumu belirtmek istiyorum. Bugün de HDP’nin yanında yer aldığımı; HDP’yi zor zamanında sahiplenmenin, büyütmenin, güçlendirmenin ve yeni yüzlerin katılımını sağlamanın gerekli olduğunu düşünüyorum.

Ayrıntılara düşmeden hemen konuya girmek istiyorum: HDP projesi hedefine ulaşmadan, partinin eş genel başkanları, il-ilçe örgütlerinin eşbaşkanları, belediye eşbaşkanları ve çok sayıda milletvekili haksızca gözaltına alınıp hapishaneye mahkum edildiler. Elbettek ki, Türk Devletinden hariç, haksız olarak cezaevinde tutuklu bulunduğunuzu tüm dünya devletleri biliyor. Ayrıca, Türk Devlet geleneğinin yiğit bir karektere sahip olmadığını, Makyavelli “Prens” ve Marco Polo ‘’Geziler” adlı eserlerinde ifade etmişlerdir.

Sevgili Demirtaş kardeşim! HDP, 7 Haziran 2015’te Meclis’e 80 milletvekilini Kürt halkının oylarıyla ve özgürlük hareketinin desteğiyle elde etmişti. Kürtlerin bir asırdır, hürriyet ve şerefleri için çok büyük bedeller ödediğini hepimiz çok iyi biliyoruz. Binlerce Kürt genci şehit oldu, zindanlar dolup taştı.

Zengin Kürtler, İslamcı Kürtler, AKP ve Erdoğan yanlısı oldu. Oylarını AKP’ye verdiler ve karşılığında büyük ihaleler aldılar. AKP’li zengin ve ”İslamcı Kürtler” bayrakları Kur-an olan ”Şam Ordusu”nu ve Kur-an’ın hepsini ezberleyen ”Nihrevan Ordusu”nu tanımış olsaydı, oylarını HDP’ye verirdi ve HDP saflarında Kürtlerin özgürlüğü için mücadele ederdi. Fakir Kürtler ise, Kürt siyasi hareketinin ve HDP’nin yanında bir duvarın taşları gibi kenetlendi, saf tuttu. Şerefleri ve özgürlükleri için bedel ödedi.

Ancak partinizin içindeki bir grup, entegrasyoncu ve menfaat grupları Kürtlerin hürriyet ışıklarını söndürdü. Şöhret ve şımarıklık onları sarhoş etti, bütün emekler havaya savruldu. Kürdistan davası magazinleşti, ‘’selocan’’ laştı ve HDP projesi kemalist bir çizgiye çekildi.

Yani babalarınızın, çocuklarınızın, kardeşlerinizin, eşlerinizin şöhret olma arzusu, kazandığınız mallarınız, kötüye gitmesinden korktuğunuz ekonomik gaileleriniz, sizi şımartan  lüks ev ve arabalarınızın sevgisi; Kürdistan ve şehitlerin sevgisinin önüne geçti ve başarısız oldunuz!

Sevgili Selahattin Demirtaş kardeşim! ’’Sabır insanı insan belki de sultan eder, sabırdan yoksun olan her şeyini kaybeder’’ ifadesi doğru bir manevi tanımlamadır. Biz Kürtler çok sabr ettik. Lakin biz Kürtlerin gözünde diken, boğazımızda kemik var. Bedenimiz yara-bere içinde ve halkımız yalın ayak!

HDP’nin içinde Kürtlerin realitesine yabancı, Türk ve Kürt sosyalizasyonuna aykırı duran bir grup marjinal Türk Solu, görüş, tavır ve eylemleriyle adeta her şeyi alt üst ettiler! Daha önceden Kazanılan mevziler ve Öcalan’ın müzakere görüşmeleri ‘’Gezi Olayları’’na tahvil edildi!

’Gezi Olaylar’’ın baş aktörü, bir sinema yönetmeni  Kemalist Sırrı olacaktı. Öcalan, bu olup bitenleri endişeyle izliyordu! Çünkü bir planı vardı. Planının tehlikeye gireceğinden korkuyordu. Oysaki Türk devletini birinci müzakerelerde ikna etmeyi başarmıştı. Hedefine de adım adım ilerlemek istiyordu!

Sevgili Selahattin Demirtaş kardeşim! Öcalan gibi, tecrübeli ve uyanık davranamadınız! Oysaki iyi bir lider; ne okuyacağını ne konuşacağını, nerede duracağını ve nereye kadar gideceğini iyi hesaplayandır. İlim ve İrfan sahibi  bir danışmanınız olmuş olsaydı, kesinlikle durum çok daha farklı bir sonuç alacaktı. Yani, Sırrı Sürreye Önder’i kendinize danışman yapmanız ve onun TİYATROCU laflarıyla siyaset yürütmeniz ‘’Seni başkan yapmayacağız’’ sloganıyla hareket etmeniz, gerçektende Kürtlere çok pahalıya mal oldu.

Sırrı gibileri; Kürt siyasetine ve halkına büyük kayıplar verdiklerini düşünüyorum. Eğer Türk solcuların gazına gelmeseydiniz, Erdoğan’a karşı realist bir politika yürütseydiniz çok güzel şeylerin başarılacağını düşünüyorum. Ama öyle yapmadınız, Erdoğan’ın hilesine yenildiniz ve  Erdoğan ve İslamcı şürekası İspanyol falanşistleri gibi, “Vivala Muerte”! “yaşasın Ölüm!” kahr olsun Kürtler! kahr olsun zeka! Fırsatını verdiniz.

Sevgili Selahattin Demirtaş kardeşim! Erdoğan ile ‘’Seni başkan yapmayacağız.’’ münazarasına, tenezzül ve tevessül etmeyecektiniz! Tam aksine, zaman zaman Erdoğan’ı cesaretlendirecek ve onure edecek ifadeler kullanmalıydınız! Saray’da Erdoğan’ı, HDP ve Kürtler adına ziyaret edip onunla şöyle bir diyalog içine girip çok etkili sonuçlar alabilirdiniz:

-Sayın Cumhurbaşkanım! HDP olarak sizi Kürt meselesinde çok cesur buluyoruz, destekliyoruz, seviyoruz, değer veriyoruz! Öyle ki Türk siyaset tarihinde hiçbir devlet başkanı sizin gibi, Kürt meselesinde samimi ve cesur adımlar atmamıştır. Cesaretinizle, dindarlığınızla ve samimiyetinizle Kürtlerin gönül dünyasında taht kurmuş durumdasınız.

– Sevgili Cumhurbaşkanım! Yüce Rabbimiz Kuran’da, dil ve milletlerle ilgili şöyle buyuruyor: “Biz her millete kendi dilinde bir peygamber gönderdik’’ Nehl-36

‘’Ey insanlar! birbirinizle tanışmanız için sizi milletlere kavimlere ayırdık.’’Hucurat 13

‘’Göklerin ve yerlerin yaratılışı, dillerinizin ve renklerinizin farklılığı Allah’ın ayetlerindendir’’ Rum Süresi 22

Erdoğan’a bu ayetleri okuduktan sonra aranızdaki diyaloga şöyle devam edebilirdiniz:

-Sayın Cumhurbaşkanım! Sevgili Rabbimizin bu ayetlerini zat-i alinize hatırlatarak, Müslüman Kürt kardeşlerinizin kendi anadillerinde eğitim ve öğretim görmelerini ve bu kadim Kürtçe dilinin devletimizin ikinci resmi dili olmasını talep ediyoruz!

Eğer Kürtlerin bu sorununu çözerseniz, başta Kürt halkı, devletler, milletler ve Müslüman halklar sizi taktirle karşılayacak, isminiz Kürtlerin ve insanlığın tarihinde hep iyilikle anılacak! Bunu gerçekleştirdiğiniz taktirde, elbetteki HDP ve Kürtler sizi Türk ve Kürt halkının başkanı yapmaya söz veriyor ve Kuran’a yemin ediyoruz!

Sevgili Selahattin kardeşim! Bu önerdiğim diyaloğu denemiş olsaydınız, belki başaracaktınız ve belki de Kürtler başta olmak üzere, Türklerin ve  Kürtlerin  ahvali bugünkünden hayal edemeyeceğin kadar farklı bir  iklime evrilecekti.

Heyhat! Artık geriye dönemeyiz ve olanlar geçmişte kaldı. Geçmişten ders çıkarmanız, siyaset bilimi eserler okumanız gerekirken, cezaevinde daha çok kendinizi roman yazma işine adadınız, avukatlarınız aracılığıyla popülist twitler paylaştınız!

Sevgili Demirtaş kardeşim! Kürtlerin ikbalini ve kaderini belirleyen meselelerde realist ve rasyonel mesajlar veremediniz! Cezaevinde avukatınızın aracılığıyla verdiğiniz her mesajınız suyun üzerinde yazı yazma denemesine  benzetiyorum. İkincisi, onbinlerce Kürt mahkumu içinde, twit atma, İnternet Gazetede makale yazma, roportaj verme ve bir dizi CHP’lí siyasetçi ile görüş yapma neden yanlız zatialinize  serbest? Yada şöyle sorayım: Sizin gibi değerli tutsak Kürt siyasetçileri olan Selçuk Mızraklıoğlu, İdris Baluken ve Bekir Kaya neden aynı hukuki haklara sahip olamıyorlar? Örneğin, Öcalan ile devlet arasında neler yaşandı, devlet Öcalan’la değil de sizinle yeni bir süreç başlatmak için, neden teklifte bulunuyor? Yada Türk Devleti Öcalan’a  twit atma, avukat ve ailesiyle  neden görüşme hakkını tanımıyor?

Benim kafam iyice karıştı! Felsefe yapmayı seviyorsanız sizin de kafanızın karışacağını düşünüyorum. Bence Türk Devleti, bilinçli ve planlı olarak, Kürt siyasetini kontrolde tutmak ve  farklı bir mecraya doğru kaydırarak yönetmek istiyor. Bu durumu netleştiren iki şey daha var: Erdoğan, Bakanlık  düzeyinde HDP’nin  ziyaret edilmesini emir etmişti ve hemen ardından muhterem babanızın geçirdiği kalp rahatsızlığı nedeniyle, Çorlu’ya helikopterle getirilmenizi ve ordanda bir jet uçakla Amed’e babanızla buluşturmanızı sağladı.

Bu durumu çok büyük bir ayrıcalık ve Türk devletinin yasalarını şirke düşürecek bir pratik olarak değerlendiriyorum. Ben, Selahattin Demirtaş olsaydım, asla böyle bir şeye tevesül ve tenezül etmezdim. Neden mi? Çünkü dava arkadaşlarım ve bana oy veren milyonlarca Kürt seçmenin bu durumdan rahatsız olma ihtimaline karşı ihtiyatlı davranırdım. Çünkü, Erdoğan ve Türk mahkemeleri zatialinizi ‘’katil’’ ve ‘’terörist’’ olmakla suçluyordu!

Sevgili Demirtaş kardeşim! HDP’nin eş genel başkanları yok mu? Cezaevinden Kürtlerin kaderini ve ikbalini belirleyen meselelerde bir lider gibi kordinatlar vermeniz  ve Kemalistlere entegre mesajlarını yayınlamanız demokratik bir hak mı acaba? Örneğin,  “Yeteri derecede Türkiyeleşemedik” ifadeniz  mutualizime işaret ediyordu. Bu tür ifadeler bir milletin sömürge bilincini köreltir ve o milleti kolanyalizme entegresini sağlar. Daha net söylemek isersem; doksanlı yıllarda, Carl Schsmitt’ın “dost ve düşman” diyalektiği Kürtlerin düşman bilincine tekabül ediyordu ve yurtsever Kürtlerin düşman bilinci netti!

Evet, söylediklerimin nefsinize ağır geldiğini biliyorum ve alınganlık göstermeyeceğinize inanmak istiyorum. Biz Kürtler, ne entegre olmak, nede diskiriminasyona uğramak istemiyoruz! Biz Kürt ve Kürdistan’ız. Primordiyal köklerimiz üzerinde her millet gibi, HÜKÜMDAR olmak istiyoruz.

Kaldığımız yerden devam edelim: Şimdi, HDP diye bir parti var mı? Elbette ki var. Bu partinin, mimarı ve teorisyeni de belli mi? O da belli. Şimdi zat-i alinize soruyorum: HDP demokratik bir parti değil mi?  HDP’nin eş genel başkanları yok mu? Elbetteki, HDP’nin iki eş genel başkanı var! O halde cezaevinden HDP’le ilgili  bir dizi açıklamalar yapmanızı, demokratik  ve doğru bulmadığımı belirtmek istiyorum.

Çünkü şuan da HDP’nin resmi bir üyesi, bir vekili ve yöneticisi konumunda değilsiniz! Kısacası, hatalar yaptınız. Kürt mücadelesini geriletiniz; hata yapmaya ısrarla devam ediyorsunuz! Önerim şudur: Bir mola vermenizi, derin düşünmenizi, nefsinize uymamanızı ve halkınıza öz eleştiri vermenizi tavsiye ediyor ve özgür olduğunuzda HDP’nin başına geçmeye tekrar talip olma hakınızın olduğunu düşünüyorum.

Eğer bu eleştirilerime ‘’halk beni seviyor’’ karşılığında yanıt verirseniz şayet, bu ifadenizin felsefik bir karşılığının olmadığını belirtmek isterim. Çünkü Türk halkının ezici çoğunluğu, Erdoğan’ı ve Rus toplumunun büyük bir yüzdesi Putin’ı sevdiğini hatırlatmak isterim. Yok eğer ‘’ben sadece fikirlerimi beyan ediyorum’’ diyorsanız, o halde Kadir Amaç’ta kendi fikirlerini en az zatialiniz kadar söylemekte hür olduğunu düşünüyorum.

Sevgili Selahattin Demirtaş kardeşim! Şimdi birinin evinize izinsiz girdiğini düşünün! Evet, evinize isinsiz giren bu hırsızı hangi yöntemle evden çıkarmayı düşünürdünüz? Yoksa hırsızın hangi metodla olursa olsun mutlaka dışarıya atılması gerektiğini mi düşünüyorsunuz?

Mahatma Gandhi, ‘’her türlü yöntem kullanılarak’’ hırsızın evden çıkarılmasına itiraz edenlerden biridir. Gandi diyor ki; ‘’ Eğer çalmaya gelen babamsa farklı bir metod kullanabilirim. Eğer bir tanıdıksa başka bir metod kullanılır; ve eğer tamamen bilinmeyen bir şahıssa başka bir metod kullanırım. Eğer BEYAZ BİR ADAMSA belkide bir Hintli hırsıza uygulanan metodlardan farklı bir metod uygulanır.’’ Umarım, Mahatma Gandhi’nin bu değerli önermesi üzerinde yoğunlaşırsınız ve hırsızla mücadele konusunda tercihinizi önününe koyarsınız.

Son olarak, HDP’ye şu yol haritasını öneriyorum: HDP, dünyayı ve Kürdistan meselesini iyi bilen yeni kadrolarla, yeni bir nefes, yeni bir siyaset ve yeni bir mücadele yöntemiyle sahaya çıkmalıdır.

Şu gerçeği de  söylemekte büyük bir yarar görüyorum: PKK ve HDP hareketinin tabanını milliyetçi, muhafazakar, dindar ve demokrat aileler oluşturuyor! Aynı şekilde, Maddi ve manevi yükünü de onlar omuzlarında taşıyor! Lider, yöneten kadrolar sosyalist ideolojiyi benimsiyor.

HDP, parlamento seçimlerine Kuzey Kürdistan’daki Kürt siyasi partilerle güç birliğini sağlayabilirse, Kürt halkının sosyolojisine uygun ve Kürt halkının sevip değer verdiği yetenekli, bilgili ve cesur adaylarla seçime girerse, % 13-14 bandında  büyük bir başarı elde etmesi mümkündür. Çünkü HDP’nin %13-14 oranında oy alma koşulları fazlasıyla mevcuttur.

Dolayısıyla Kürt meselesinin başarısı, Kürtlerin göstereceği güce bağlıdır. Önümüzdeki bir parlamento seçiminde eğer Kürtler oyların %13-14 aldıkları taktirde, dünya siyasetinden de güç kazanmış olacaklardır. Yani Kürtler, seçimlerde elde ettiği gücü dünya siyasetinden kazandığı güçle birleştirerek, egemen devletin gücünü dengelemiş olacak ve Türk devleti HDP ile Kürt meselesini konuşmak için masaya davet etmek zorunda kalacağını düşünüyorum.


Kadir Amaç



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    As an example, facilities in cities fresh York or Los Angeles may charge greater than those in smaller communities. People ought to be in normally good health before taking into consideration Aqualyx. Medical professionals analyze overall health and wellness to make sure security throughout therapy. Those with persistent problems or major wellness issues may not appropriate candidates. These include buffering chemicals, customized deoxycholic acid, red microalgae sugars, other sugars, sodium chloride, and water. Each of these elements offers a specific purpose in the solution.
    Therapy Areas For Fat Liquifying Injections
    It’s essential to talk to your medical professional to comprehend all prospective negative effects. A solution is infused into the localized down payments of tissue into areas which dissolves the fat cell and ruins it permanently. The lipids (contents of the fat cells) are after that released and removed normally via the lymphatic system. Nonetheless numerous sessions may be needed to reach your desired goal.
    It’s vital to talk to a certified clinic to identify the very best technique. They highlight concerns that might not show up during medical trials. Real-world experiences use insights right into the medicine’s efficiency. The arms might experience much more swelling due to larger therapy areas. Seldom, infections may establish at the injection website. Immediate clinical interest is needed if these symptoms show up.

    A research from 2015 examined the results of people who collectively completed 554 cryolipolysis procedures over 1 year. The review discovered that any type of post-treatment discomfort normally lasted 3-11 days and went away independently. It’s a vital part of the human body, but having excessive subcutaneous fat can enhance your danger of adverse health and wellness problems like cardiovascular disease and kind 2 diabetic issues. CoolSculpting can create small adverse effects, consisting of inflammation and pain. Some people might likewise experience an unusual adverse effects where fat cells grow bigger in response as opposed to smaller sized. CoolSculpting is an aesthetic treatment that does not deal with a hidden health condition, so insurance does not generally cover the expenses.

    Most people need at least 2 to 4 sessions spaced numerous weeks apart. Each session assists to additionally decrease local fat down payments. This component is especially effective since it straight strikes persistent fat down payments. Many people struggle with areas that stand up to diet plan and workout. Aqualyx supplies a remedy for those aiming to contour their bodies without surgical procedure. Buffering chemicals aid keep the pH balance of the remedy.
    Post-procedure weight gain can significantly influence results. After receiving Aqualyx shots, maintaining a stable weight is important for optimum outcomes. Weight changes can cause the body to shop fat in areas that were treated.
    With refinement in technique and use of pinch strategy in later years, we did not come across this particular complication. Subcutaneous nodularity was encountered in over half of the cases. Patients need to be well notified concerning this specific negative effects prior to the procedure and taken right into self-confidence that it resolves over 3– 4 weeks. We advised massage and stress garment treatment as an active step to reduce the nodule formation and to minimize its incidence. It has been reported that incidence of such effects is seen when the complete dosage surpasses 3g. The systemic side effects mostly constitute of parasympathetic reactions such as plain frustration, queasiness, looseness of the bowels, and/or steatorrhea.

  35. Danielmox
    Danielmox says:

    Все о компьютерных играх обзоры новых проектов, рейтинги, детальные гайды, новости индустрии, анонсы и системные требования. Разбираем особенности геймплея, помогаем с настройками и прохождением. Следите за игровыми трендами, изучайте секреты и погружайтесь в мир гейминга.

  36. GHK-Cu skin regeneration
    GHK-Cu skin regeneration says:

    The primary difference between ipamorelin and GHRP-1 is that ipamorelin lacks the central dipeptide Ala-Trp [9] For anti-aging purposes, reduced everyday does are usually more appropriate; as an example, 200 mcg prior to bed daily. These methods are intended to supply a significant increase in development hormonal agent manufacturing gradually while still maintaining a natural pattern of launch. For finest outcomes, it is recommended to avoid eating at the very least 1 hour before and after administering Ipamorelin. Sermorelin is an older generation peptide that boosts the brain to release GHRH (development hormone releasing hormonal agent) by the pituitary gland for around mins. Tesamorelin promotes bone development and hinders bone traction, maintaining bone density and stamina.

    Nonetheless, like any kind of therapy, there can be threats and prospective adverse effects, which can differ relying on the particular peptide made use of, the dosage, and the individual’s total health and wellness.

    Persistent Disease Management
    Peptide therapy can be administered through different paths, consisting of injections, nasal sprays, and dental tablets. The path of administration relies on the certain peptide and the medical problem being treated. Many different types of peptides are used in therapy, each with its very own certain residential properties and benefits. If you’re interested in discovering peptide therapy, reach out to a licensed professional to review your options and begin your journey to better health and wellness and well-being today. Our specialists at Integrative Telemedicine are trained to aid you assess your individual demands to make sure that we can guarantee you are obtaining the ideal peptide therapy you call for. You can call our specialists through e-mail at We also supply a variety of other solutions that can be used combined with peptide treatment.
    Peptides are the talk of the skin care ball presently and are appearing in brand-new products left, right and centre. For Walsh, 25, it was a little tougher to determine why the loss was taking place– she felt in one’s bones her hair really felt thinner than ever before. ” I considered always brushing out my hair or doing blowouts to make it appear fuller,” she says.
    The healthcare provider might ask about the particular problems the client wants to attend to, such as anti-aging, weight management, or bodybuilding. This evaluation is essential to identify whether peptide treatment appropriates and recognize any kind of prospective contraindications or underlying health and wellness concerns. Peptide therapy involves the use of specific peptides to target and influence mobile processes in the body. These short chains of amino acids can interact with cells at a molecular degree, setting off different actions that can bring about enhanced wellness and health. They bind to cell receptors, serving as carriers that route cells to generate collagen, manage hormonal agents, and combat infections.
    What Are Peptides And Their Function In The Body?
    Peptides involved in rest regulation, such as melatonin, are essential for keeping healthy and balanced sleep cycles. Uncommon degrees of these peptides can interfere with circadian rhythms, causing sleep disruptions, problem falling or staying asleep and sleeping disorders, which can even more impact mental and physical health. Dive deep into the marvels of Brain Peptides, these unhonored heroes function behind the scenes, affecting exactly how you really feel, assume and recoup.
    For increased efficiency, line up the timing of these injections with using topical skincare products. Studies suggest that peptide treatments normally show a favourable long-lasting safety account when checked properly. Keeping an eye on lasting security is critical for making sure the efficiency and safety of peptide shots.

    This has several favorable impacts, 2 of which are the avoidance of severe, undesirable GH levels in the body and the mirroring of more all-natural patterns of variation in GH concentrations. On the other hand, Sermorelin straight affects the pituitary gland to release development hormonal agent, which assists in combating the results of aging by improving muscle mass and bone density. While both peptides use invigorating benefits, their distinct devices supply a customized method to combating the indications old for people seeking specific outcomes. It’s important to keep in mind that the choice between sermorelin and ipamorelin depends on individual requirements and goals. Factors such as age, underlying health and wellness problems, and therapy purposes ought to be thought about when choosing which peptide might be extra effective for enhancing development hormone levels.
    Produced by the hypothalamus, GHRH signals the pituitary gland’s somatotrophs to release GH. It binds to certain receptors on these cells, triggering a chain of intracellular signaling events. This double function underscores its importance in fostering optimum physical development and metabolic equilibrium.
    Dosing protocol unless otherwise defined by your physician is 0.2 ml sub-Q (300mcg) at going to bed five nights a week. It can use up to 3 to 6 months to obtain the full benefits from Sermorelin/ipamorelin. Muscles are extremely energetic metabolically, and an increase in muscle mass equates to a higher relaxing metabolic price.
    Directions For Handling Sermorelin And Ipamorelin
    Nevertheless, in 2008, FDA authorization was withdrawn due to issues in safety and security and efficiency. It might also take longer for your body to recover from exercises, and you might experience low energy unlike before. The information uploaded is for informative and instructional objectives only and is to be made use of at your own threat. You ought to not cease seeking medical suggestions or use information acquired on-line to identify an illness. Development hormone, whose manufacturing is helped with by this compound, plays an essential duty in the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. By fostering much deeper and a lot more corrective rest, individuals using this medicine commonly report waking up feeling much more rejuvenated and rejuvenated.
    Sermorelin is a synthetic peptide that resembles the body’s natural growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), promoting the pituitary gland to produce and launch growth hormone. Ipamorelin, on the other hand, is a growth hormonal agent secretagogue that uniquely stimulates the launch of development hormonal agent without considerably affecting other hormonal agents like cortisol or prolactin. Both of these peptides boost growth hormonal agent launch, both can decrease body fat, body weight, and boost muscle mass. Ipamorelin is more researches, yet is weak and is generally utilized along with CJC 1295.
    Constantly seek advice from a medical care expert to customize your approach to your specific health and wellness scenario, guaranteeing you accomplish the most effective feasible results. It is frequently utilized to detect and treat development hormone shortages in children and can additionally be made use of off-label for grownups encountering development hormonal agent deficiencies. The use of these peptides in a controlled and monitored manner under the advice of medical care professionals can assist individuals achieve optimal outcomes while reducing potential risks or adverse effects. The use of Ipamorelin and Sermorelin in anti-aging treatment uses encouraging benefits in dealing with age-related issues and promoting overall health through targeted peptide treatments.

  37. Tera
    Tera says:

    They can also provide guidance and make sure that all lawful needs are met before any type of job starts. It would certainly be corrupt if the Act were to punish adjacent proprietors (using exemption) who are well-meaning and wish to grant the structure proprietor’s work. Legitimate disagreements might develop, and both events can anticipate to have access to The Party Wall Surface Act.
    Each action is created to ensure conformity with the Party Wall surface Act, securing the interests of all parties involved. Education And Learning of Event Wall Surveyors is essential to guaranteeing the Act functions effectively. This can be done using various ways, such as self-learning; obtaining specialist experience; going to workshop and online forums; signing up with the Faculty of Event Wall Surface Surveyors and’ finishing CPD.

    The infiltration of water right into the soil behind or within the wall surface leads to boosted pressure, possibly causing protruding or breaking. Furthermore, insufficient drainage can cause water logged dirts, negatively influencing plant growth and heightening the risk of foundation damage. Correct water drainage minimizes dirt erosion, avoids waterlogging, and supports sustainable landscaping methods.
    Discovering the appropriate expert includes examining qualifications and accreditations. Reviewing reviews and reviews supplies understanding into their reliability and top quality of work. Contrasting quotes and solutions guarantees you obtain the very best value for your task. The very first step to applying a system that will naturally drain the water is to lay an appropriate base for the wall.
    Solutions include boosting the drainage capacity, adding additional weep holes, or mounting overflow pipes. Correctly taking care of water overflow secures the wall and surrounding landscape from damages. Despite having the most effective drain services in position, regular maintenance and inspection are important to guarantee they function effectively.

    While price must not be the single determining aspect, it is necessary to think about the fees charged by the RICS Chartered Property Surveyor. Compare the costs of various property surveyors and evaluate whether the solutions they offer align with your budget plan and expectations. In addition, talk about project timelines and make certain that the surveyor can accommodate your schedule and target dates. To determine the high quality of an RICS Chartered Land surveyor’s job, request example records from their previous tasks. This will offer you an idea of their interest to information, thoroughness, and clearness of coverage.
    Developing An Adjacent Structure

    Experienced professionals bring a wealth of expertise and insights to the table. They have actually acquired this insight via years of carrying out dilapidation studies. RICS event wall land surveyors carry out thorough assessments of the influenced homes. They analyze their problem and recognize potential concerns related to the event wall.
    Chartered Building Surveyors have a keen eye for finding executed home improvements. They’ll highlight any inferior handiwork, helping you stay clear of unforeseen fixing expenses. They comprehend the basic and innovative actions involved in the job. By having an extra extensive survey performed you might have the ability to use this as evidence to work out the acquisition price. This, in turn, will permit you to spending plan even more money into repairing the residential property rather than just buying it. We have actually highlighted our top factors in even more detail listed below for why a survey is so vital when purchasing a building.
    In conclusion, a Celebration Wall Surveyor Harrow is a vital partner for a stress-free remodelling or construction task. Their expertise, negotiation skills, and capability to create legitimately binding agreements can save you time, money, and potential conflicts, enabling your job to continue efficiently and successfully. It involves going over expenses and defining extent, timelines, responsibilities, and backups. Proficient negotiators comprehend the relevance of balancing shielding their organisation’s interests and keeping a great connection with the various other event.

    Why Are They Called Party Walls?
    For an Event Wall Property Surveyor London and Home Counties, costs can vary depending on property surveyor experience and project complexity. For homeowner projects, we mostly work with a dealt with charge basis to offer price certainty, with costs beginning at ₤ 699, the charge for many domestic jobs. After that the events are in “regarded dispute” and a land surveyor should be assigned for every party. In section 1( 2) building a wall surface that rests astride the boundary on both side requires approval from Adjacent Proprietors. This profits the Structure Proprietor with a slightly larger extension while enabling the Adjoining Owner to utilize it as an event wall surface in the future. An event wall is a dividing wall that separates two individual spaces or structures.

  38. Drug Addiction
    Drug Addiction says:

    We have actually attempted, examined, and written unbiased reviews of the most effective online treatment programs consisting of Talkspace, BetterHelp, and ReGain. No content on this site, no matter day, ought to ever be made use of as a substitute for direct medical guidance from your medical professional or other certified medical professional. It could be valuable to pick a meaningful day like an unique occasion, birthday celebration, or anniversary.
    Get Aid To Overcome Drug Or Alcoholism At Renaissance Healing
    Words “dependency” is derived from a Latin term for “oppressed by” or “bound to.” Anybody who has actually struggled to overcome an addiction– or has tried to assist someone else to do so– recognizes why. This system inspires us to duplicate actions that aid us endure, such as consuming, taking care of each other, or sharpening new skills. Enter your phone number listed below to obtain a totally free and confidential phone call from a treatment provider. Willpower and strength to stay away from temptations decreases. Consequently, motivation usually decreases, leaving us caving right into our past and failing to remember everything about our goals. With addiction, you want to ensure that you set yourself for success.
    When you’re confident in your capacity to rapidly de-stress, dealing with strong sensations isn’t as daunting or overwhelming. As soon as you’re sober, the unfavorable feelings that you moistened with medicines will certainly resurface. For treatment to be effective, you’ll initially require to solve your underlying concerns. Normally the primary step is to purge your body of medications and manage withdrawal symptoms.
    Some Typical Triggers Include:
    Comprehending why you slipped back is often one of the most fundamental parts of absolutely getting over a material use condition. Regression is common, but it can additionally threaten and even deadly when it comes to some materials. The threat of passing away from an overdose is incredibly high if you have actually been via withdrawal because your resistance of the medicine will certainly be much less than it was before you quit.

    That means if you are attempting to avoid alcohol, at first of your recuperation trip, stay clear of areas where you recognize there will be alcohol. If you have actually recognized that your dependency is damaging different facets of your life and you’re ready to give up, below are a few points you need to understand about quiting an addiction. Get practical ideas and support for every little thing from battling swelling to locating the best diet regimens for weight loss … from workouts to develop a more powerful core to guidance on dealing with cataracts. PLUS, the latest information on medical developments and breakthroughs from Harvard Medical School professionals.
    5 Action Steps For Stopping A Dependency
    Many, though not all, self-help support system utilize the 12-step design initial developed by Alcoholics Anonymous. Self-help support system, such as Narcotics Anonymous, aid people that are addicted to drugs. Lembke advises that you’ll possibly feel a whole lot worse prior to you begin feeling better. A dopamine hit causes enjoyment, and afterwards is rapidly followed by discomfort, or a come-down, in order to maintain us motivated.

    If they use your object of addiction, ask them not to do so in front of you. If you purchase medicines, you should consider telling your dealership that you are stopping; ask your dealership not to call you and not to sell you drugs any longer. Likewise, you may wish to consider speaking with your healthcare supplier regarding the approach of giving up that is best for you. There may be drugs that can relieve the procedure for you and increase your possibilities of success. Even when somebody has actually reached upkeep, it does not suggest they’re cured of addiction.

    word dependency, however it utilizes words that are similar. According to 2 Timothy 2:26, when we seek the cravings of our flesh, we’re really being captured by sin. We become bound up and are no more totally free to do what we want. While addiction may make it difficult for an addict to love in

    Drugs can in some cases be helpful in both the short-term and the long-term. Speak with a physician about the choices that are offered to and suitable for you. John C. Umhau, MD, MILES PER HOUR, CPE is board-certified in dependency medication and preventative medicine. For over 20 years Dr. Umhau was a senior scientific private investigator at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health And Wellness (NIH).
    Also after making a dedication to stop and undergoing the withdrawal phase, these conflicts don’t merely vanish. Equally as you must review any type of physical withdrawal symptoms with your doctor, make certain to additionally review mental and emotional ones. Dependency affects the frontal cortex of your brain and changes your impulse control and judgment. The mind’s incentive system is also modified to make sure that the memory of previous incentives can trigger yearning or raised “hunger” for medicines or rewarding experiences, in spite of negative consequences. Different kinds of medicines may be useful at various stages of treatment to help a client quit abusing drugs, stay in therapy, and prevent relapse. Lots of people, yet not all, begin using a drug or initial participate in an activity voluntarily.
    Proactively enlightening individuals in rehabilitation facilities of the really actual danger of transferring habit forming habits onto various other things is an additional way to stop a new dependency from creating. The trick to treating dependency substitute is resolving the underlying cause of the compulsive behavior, ideas, and actions with treatment. If addiction is seen more as an irreversible condition than a momentary reliance on a single compound, it can help reduce rates of relapsing. At Renaissance Recovery our objective is to provide evidence-based therapy to as numerous people as feasible.
    If your buddies try forcing you to find out and drink or do medicines with them while you are attempting to get sober, after that be truthful and upfront with them. Good friends will certainly assist you accomplish your goal, not establish you backwards. In addition to drugs, psychiatric therapy can additionally work in assisting get over addiction.

  39. Party Wall Surveyor Fees
    Party Wall Surveyor Fees says:

    To place your mind at remainder, we have actually put together a home survey checklist of the 10 leading points you can do to make the study as quick and simple as possible. In various other instances, you may be able to discuss a reduction in base rental fee or other concessions from the proprietor. You need to have a list of the issues that you discovered during the site survey, in addition to a price quote of the price to fix them. Hiring a third-party professional can be a useful financial investment in the success of your service. By doing your study and picking the best specialist, you can make sure that you are getting the very best possible recommendations and representation throughout the leasing procedure.
    Alta Land Survey Procedure And Review
    Our group will manage all of the needed documents and guarantee that whatever remains in order before starting any type of study work. We understand that navigating local regulations and demands can be overwhelming, so we aim to make this process as simple and worry-free as possible. While there may be papers for you to fill out and indication, we will certainly guide you with the procedure and address any type of inquiries you might have.

    In other words, they indicate which governments are in charge of which areas. Frank Fernandez previously functioned as a District Lawyer in the City of St. Louis prior to entering exclusive method. The Fernandez Company focuses on criminal protection, injury and medical malpractice. Mr. Fernandez has been lead advice on numerous tests with experience in both the State and Federal Judiciaries.

    Safety First
    Based upon the underlying issue, we recommend the suitable options and give a comprehensive quote. Drain pipelines play an essential duty in rerouting water away from the keeping wall. This part of the overview clarifies the relevance of appropriately mounting drainage pipes to prevent water build-up. By guaranteeing effective water diversion, you secure the concrete keeping wall from the destructive forces of hydrostatic stress. Identifying tiny leakages or holes in your maintaining wall functions as an early indication of damage.
    Any type of repair service tasks should be personalized created to fulfill the distinct dirt, water and incline needs of each residential or commercial property. Actually, you can use outdoor patio preserving wall surfaces to change old wood decks or a collection of stairways directly off a door introducing a lawn. Instead of have a wooden deck with open area listed below it, you can construct a sturdy preserving wall covered with a solid and gorgeous outdoor patio. When you consider your backyard, is it where you want to amuse and relax? Or is your exterior area a spicy collection of DIY Projects that never ever quite exercised and collapsing timber keeping wall surfaces and decks?

    Ultimately, even if you hardly ever visit the attic room, your surveyor will certainly intend to take a look. Making sure they can stand up there quickly can save a lot of trouble when the moment comes. Nonetheless, if your mess is restricting access to areas of the home, it’s practical to get rid of a path. Likewise, giving the location an excellent clean can include an unusual quantity of value to the home if you’re additionally getting an evaluation.
    Study standards are the rules and standards that specify the scope, accuracy, methods, and paperwork of surveys. These criteria are established by various companies and authorities such as professional organizations, state boards, government agencies, and courts. The Minimum Requirement Detail Needs for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Studies are national criteria that define the minimum information, accuracy, dimensions, certifications, and plat preparation for this sort of study.
    It insists on them when searching land records and in the preparation of insurance papers to prevent land title problems as long as feasible. A construction survey includes the surveyor going to the residential property and scouting the structures situated on the residential or commercial property, such as roadways, structures, and energies. When constructing a new home, developing an addition to your current home, or improving your building, it is a should to have a construction study done. Construction workers will certainly use these stakes to recognize where to start building and construction. Prior to designing your survey, you will need a list of locations that you will certainly survey. This may be as straightforward as a listing of spaces, or include several existing structures and frameworks.
    In addition, research study and testimonial existing info pertaining to the home such as actions, plats, maps, aerial pictures, and previous studies. Doing so can determine possible concerns or conflicts that need to be dealt with. Quality control and assurance measures need to also be implemented throughout and after the study. This consists of checking accuracy and validating compliance with criteria and specs.

  40. Kennethcix
    Kennethcix says:

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  42. Shanon
    Shanon says:

    Benefits Of Celebration Walls
    It functions as a limit wall, and properly divides 2 separate units within the very same framework to aid guarantee a high degree of privacy, convenience, and safety and security for the passengers. Even if a party wall surface arrangement does not exist, numerous neighborhood building codes call for notification and authorization prior to changes affecting an event wall of any kind of type can start. Ought to the adjacent proprietor choose to dissent authorization, the applying celebration has the right to look for legal mediation.
    Either event can change a celebration wall surface that threatens to life or home or inadequate for the support of existing structures. Neither proprietor has any type of ideal to have a harmful wall surface boosted by permitting it to relax upon, or be maintained by, the hardwoods, walls, or parts of the various other’s structure. Ordinarily neither of the adjacent proprietors has the right to ruin or get rid of an event wall surface, however if a fire or various other casualty triggers the wall surface to become useless to either proprietor, it can be eliminated. The easement of assistance of adjacent buildings by the party wall ends when the wall comes to be unsuited for its purpose or is so corroded as to need reconstructing from its structure. When the buildings are mistakenly destroyed, the easement finishes, despite the fact that a part of the wall surface, or the entire wall, stays standing. [T] he proprietor of one-half of a one-story event wall has [no] right to prevent his next-door neighbor from using his residential property civil liberties outdoors space above.

    Our full guide takes you through every step of the process from how to create a kitchen area plan to locating a reputable home builder and sticking to your budget plan – as well as some great concepts to motivate you along the way. A handy guide, in addition to Party Wall surface Notification templates can be found on the Federal government’s web site right here. It is important to enclose a reply letter and envelope for the neighbors to sign and return– which, if you have actually talked with them prior to sending out, need to not come as a shock.
    Home Party Wall Act Does The Act Use?

    How near your neighbor”s border can you build your extension? You can build your extension as much as 50mm from your neighbours” boundary as long as you have either Permitted Advancement Civil Liberty or have Preparation Consent. This might be an ideal option if you aren’t able to protect a Celebration Wall surface Arrangement.

    It might be that the inner wall set aside to come to be the new celebration already features an entrance or numerous, in which instance they will end up being infill locations once they become part of the brand-new wall surface and need special treatment. Audio courses can additionally be produced as a result of solutions running through any type of separating wall, flooring or ceiling. This is can often originate from integrating features such as outlet boxes and light buttons into the celebration wall surface. The reason why this assessment is needed is because audio sends in a different way through different materials.

    Event walls commonly serve as structural assistance for both spaces, specifically in property construction. They’re frequently load-bearing, supporting the weight of the floor and subsequent walls piled in addition to them throughout the elevation of the structure. In either case, you are still responsible for making sure any damage created throughout the jobs is fixed. Examine the wall surface with your neighbor prior to work begins and take and share photos of the wall in order to avoid later on disagreements– for example existing cracks. Some individuals decide to ask a surveyor to execute a condition study at this stage in order to reduce the risk of disagreements. A Celebration Wall surface Notice have to be given to your neighbors to give them with notification of the works you mean to carry out to the celebration wall surface concerned, between two months and a year ahead of the job starting.
    Celebration wall surfaces can likewise be developed by 2 abutting walls developed at different times. The term can be also made use of to describe a department in between separate units within a multi-unit apartment building. Extremely typically the wall in this instance is non-structural yet made to meet established standards for sound and/or fire defense, i.e. a firewall. The wall is subject to cross-easements– mutual legal rights of usage over the property of an additional– in favor of each proprietor for the assistance of his or her structure or for the upkeep of the wall surface.
    Exactly How Icf Building Improves These Advantages
    In some cases described as a firewall program or usual wall, celebration structures aren’t constantly vertical surface areas or walls in the normal sense. They also include floorings between separately occupied rooms, foundation wall surfaces, or even splitting wall surfaces in storage facilities or retail spaces in a shopping mall. While liability for damages lies with the structure owner carrying out the job, they might additionally recover prices from their contractor if the damage was caused as a result of oversight. It is a good idea for the structure proprietor to ensure that their selected builder has appropriate insurance policy to cover any prospective damages. Additionally, parties associated with the Celebration Wall surface Contract may take into consideration expert party wall insurance coverage for included defense. If you likewise share a boundary with your neighbor, think about establishing a party wall surface contract now.

  43. Bullx io
    Bullx io says:

    When I originally commented I clicked the
    “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time
    a comment is added I get three e-mails with the same comment.
    Is there any way you can remove me from that service? Thanks a lot!

  44. Direct Therapy Psychotherapy Services
    Direct Therapy Psychotherapy Services says:

    The person may like the assistance that they can find in group psychiatric therapy, or the personal privacy of one-to-one treatment. Experienced professionals that understand addiction can assist the specific to recognize their triggers, damage the cycle of addiction and provide customized support to suit their details circumstance. Your therapy must match the seriousness of your condition and various other aspects like your potential for withdrawal, physical and psychological health and wellness, preparedness to alter, danger of regression, and setting.
    Consider what might have contributed to regression and make modifications as necessary. Rather than succumbing to an urge to utilize, develop alternative activities, such as opting for a walk or calling a close friend or family member to speak, to ensure that you maintain busy up until the urge passes. Be prepared to deal with things that trigger your cravings, such as being in an atmosphere where others are using.
    After conversation with you, your healthcare company may suggest medication as component of your treatment for opioid dependency. Medicines don’t heal your opioid dependency, however they can help in your recuperation. These medications can decrease your desire for opioids and might aid you prevent regression. Medication treatment alternatives for opioid dependency may consist of buprenorphine, methadone, naltrexone, and a mix of buprenorphine and naloxone. The goal of cleansing, additionally called “detox” or withdrawal treatment, is to enable you to quit taking the addicting medication as swiftly and securely as feasible.
    Nonetheless, individuals most frequently utilize medicines throughout detoxification to take care of withdrawal symptoms. The medication will vary relying on the compound that the person is addicted to. Examine to see how your medical insurance may factor into the expense of the program. Some addiction therapies may supply out-of-network invoicing choices.
    Recuperation schools have been revealed to minimize pupil’s rates of regression and enhance their graduation rates. Presently BSAS sustains 4 Recovery High Schools located in Beverly, Boston, Brockton, and Springfield. The Regional Centers for Healthy Neighborhoods (RCHCs) aid construct healthier neighborhoods by dealing with alcohol, tobacco, and other substance abuse avoidance and young people growth problems at the local degree. Neighborhood initiatives concentrate on schedule, area norms, and guidelines connected to alcohol, cigarette and other drugs. Methods for changing the larger atmosphere include plan change and execution, enforcement, education and interaction.
    A medicine rehab facility provides dependency treatment and can result in positive end results such as enhanced psychological wellness, social reintegration, improved physical well-being, and enhanced self-worth. These facilities additionally furnish individuals with abilities for much better efficiency in work, education and learning, and various other life locations. Intensive inpatient rehabilitation is normally for people who have actually developed a powerful, also life-threatening dependence on a medicine. In these cases, stopping the medicine is most safe under medical guidance.
    This therapy, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse has combated relapse effectively. Yet these medications quit yearnings and permit the client to begin operating typically once again. They prevent regression and acquire vital time for cognitive and behavioral therapies to start functioning. Initially, Dr. Glen Hanson describes the benefits of utilizing methadone to deal with heroin dependency. Then, Dr. Adam Gordon speaks about just how individuals can be dependent on a drug without having material use condition.

    healthy and balanced means, it does not mean they are unable of love completely. With the ideal assistance and therapy, an addict can get over dependency’s influence on love and discover to form healthy and balanced emotional connections. Look for specialist help. dependency is a complicated problem that requires expert care.Identify the source of your addiction.Make healthy way of living choices.Build a support network.Stay favorable and motivated. As opposed to succumbing to an urge to use, create alternate activities, such as opting for a walk or calling a friend or member of the family to chat, so’that you maintain active until the urge passes. Be prepared to handle points that trigger your food cravings, such as being in a setting where others are making use of. They Avoid Intimacy or Come To Be Emotionally Distant: A person having problem with pornography dependency can find it testing to get in touch with their partner psychologically or physically. They may prevent intimate moments, choosing pornography over real-life communication. This can leave their companion feeling neglected or turned down. avoiding places where you understand alcohol and drugs will be available.surrounding on your own with friends that don’t use drugs.knowing exactly how to resist temptation.learning how to cope with tension and kick back without drugs.distracting on your own with activities like workout or listening to songs. Know that desires will certainly pass.Identify your objectives and

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  85. LouisSutle
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